Sooo, my appointment Friday went really well. I don't think I've ever been so nervous and excited in all my life! Freaking out I was, whew! So, we walked to the doctors office from the metro station in 100 degree weather, showing up a good 20 minutes late, and was told that we would have to wait for a long while because of it. Ok, fine, that's the price you pay for being late. Turns out we were able to be seen 10 minutes later because the other patient was late *score*. I get up on the examining table, get the cold gel squirted onto my stomach, then after some hard pressing and moving around, this is what we see:
Bean in there rather snug. I was soooooooo excited! She kept trying to get a good angle to take the picture, and bean started to get upset. It start dancing and wiggling around, even turned it's back on us lol. Love it! Love it love it love it!

So there you have it. The reason i've been writing faves only lately, and the reason I've been beyond tired! Our bean is due January 25, 2011. Another winter baby (I'm one and so is my mom).

God Speed,



Aches and Pains

No one tells you that headaches and tummy aches can be a everyday part of your pregnancy. No one. Yet here I sit suffering. I'm chugging water because for some reason I felt like that would help put an end to it, but umm yeah, no.

One reason pregnancy sucks is food. My mouth wants a couple of different things - a sub, which I ordered, shrimp, yogurt, etc. but my stomach wants no parts of any of it. I don't get morning sickness, just this feeling of being full all day. i have to fight it in order to eat. This leads to more headaches.