Keep It Spicy!

This pregnancy has already been the weirdest thing. The heartburn is enough to make me feel like I'm lifting off of planet Earth and headed to the planet Zoid, wherever that is. It strikes mostly at night, but thank God for Pepcid or I would be a really crabby witch right about now. But the thing that's really hilarious? My appetite!

All I crave are cheeseburgers and...spicy big bites! You know the spicy sausages that you buy from 7-Eleven for $2? Well in the mornings, that's all I want. I've put myself on probation so I'm not allowed to have one more than twice a week, but mmmmmm yeah, I could definitely use one right about now. And the cheeseburgers! Oy vey! Usually I could eat one everyday for every meal. This seems shocking to me, but I really shouldn't be surprised. When mother nature paid me her monthly visit, I would always crave cheeseburgers. Now that I feel like I'm on my monthly 24/7, that's all I want.

And the cramps! No one told me about cramps. I was so scared that I was miscarrying, until I joined the site and learned that cramping is actually normal. Who would've thunk it. I actually cramp less frequently now, but still, that was enough to scare me stiff. I didn't want to move. I was afraid that walking, breathing, chewing, sneezing, and coughing would cause my body to lose the grip on the baby. Yeah yeah, laugh at me, but I'm oh so serious!

This first time mommy stuff is scary, but I'm ready. I'm soooo ready.


The Life of a Sloth

hello all! I hope everyone had a fantabulous weekend.

Ever since finding out I was pregnant I've felt like doing...nothing. It's like all of my ambition and gusto has gone out the window. I have a photoshoot Saturday that I constantly think about canceling just because I'm not in the mood, le sigh. This sucks. I want my mojo back. I'm just always tired, like, seriously tired! Not tired like let me just sit down for a few minutes and I'll be ok, but the kind of tired that puts you to sleep. I took a 2 hour nap yesterday, actually almost 3 hours, and had to force myself up. It took me a while to get it together. I thought it would interfere with bed time, but nope, I was ready to go right back to sleep. The thing is, I'm still having trouble sleeping at night. I took my pepcid tablet before sleeping so it wasn't the heart burn. For some reason I have a really terrible time getting comfortable, and I can't get into a deep sleep. It's frustrating.

Thank you to everyone that said the cramping is normal. I know I keep reading and hearing that it's normal, but I've only recently been able to calm myself down. I'm just ready to go to the doctors already to know that everything is ok.

Speaking of the doctors, what can I expect during my first appointment?

We call it Dot

I went to get a sonogram this morning, and there it was, the little dot lol. That little speck is causing all these issues over here. The heart burn is the worse. Wooweee! Yesterday I felt like I was breathing fire! It did give me a break for a couple of hours yesterday, but ugh, nighttime is the worse. I can't sleep! When I'm sleeping I feel like I'm blowing steam out of my nose and mouth. I can't believe this kid barely exiss and already it's giving me hell lol.

My mom is in total shock. She didn't smile, didn't grimace, just kept staring at her sister like "am I hearing right?". Poor lady is kind of lost lol.

My father started laughing lol. Maybe that's why I giggled when I found out; I take it from my daddy. I couldn't stop giggling. My dad is amazed.

That's all for now, only because I'm still over here breathing fire!



Because I have to tell someone and I'm not letting family/friends know just yet, I gotta say it here...


So two weeks ago when I was in NY I went for a walk early one morning. On my way back to the hotel I decided to stop by starbucks. For the past few weeks coffee had smelt sooooooo good, but tasted like tar to me. I just figured my tastebuds were changing. However, I knew I couldn't go wrong with a caramel macchiato, so I got a small and kept it moving. I was enjoying it, half way done with it when suddenly, my mouth got that warm, moist taste. I thought to myself "welp, my monthly is on it's way" because I always get nauseous during that time, except...bllleehhh...I never, EVER actually throw up. Welp, that day I did. Threw all of it back up into that cup, twice! Ugh.

Came back home and had heart burn, constantly, everyday, but paid no attention to it. Memorial Day night I was telling J my stomach hurt. I started rubbing and poking it then screamed "OH MY GOD WHAT IS THIS??? AM I DYING???" I was dead serious. My stomach was hard! He came and felt it and said even though he felt it he was sure I was fine. Hmph, whatev. Sounds like a tumor to me.

Tuesday morning I'm walking to work from the metro but I'm so tired and out of breath. Normally I power up the hill. Tuesday I had to stop and catch my breath, then continue. I get to work and the heartburn is just crazy! I talk to my mom who had been having hallucinations and she says that she hallucinated that she saw me in this dress and I was about 6 months pregnant. She was crying because I was 6 months pregnant and didn't tell her. I had written her out of my life. I was like uhh, yeah, come back down to earth.
I tell the bff "hey, I think I'm pregnant". She says "I think you are too". Umm, I'm sorry, wha??? She says the last time she saw me I seemed really different. So I decide that's it, I need to take a test. I was perfectly happy with waiting to see if my period would show up in June, but eh, why not. My co-worker Adrienne and I walk and get one from the neighborhood pharmacy. I get back to the office and head straight to the bathroom. I lie to you not when I say not even 10 seconds after peeing on that stick it said positive. I was like uhhh, what happened to the 120 seconds it's suppose to take. It was then that I decided it was broken, but I also started giggling. When I told Adrienne I thought I was pregnant she asked me how I felt about that. I told her I would probably start giggling lol. I have no clue why, but I just knew it would bubble up out of me. Anyway, I headed to planned parenthood. After 2.5 hours they say "yes. you're pregnant. What would you like to do?" Bwahahaha.

I couldn't stop giggling. I went to the store, bought J a card that was all sweet, then wrote at the bottom "we're pregnant". I hop on the metro after eating my last burger for the next 9 months at burger king, and head off to meet him. I tell him to meet me at the metro for our daily walk. While walking I hand him the card. He reads it all smiling then stops looking like a dear in headlights and says "stop playin! For real???" Bwahahaha. He had to sit down. He called his best friend to tell him he's gonna be a godfather.

I'm telling my mom today. She didn't want any grandchildren yet. Oh well, God had another plan. I get a sonogram tomorrow to find out how far along I am :~)