The Life of a Sloth

hello all! I hope everyone had a fantabulous weekend.

Ever since finding out I was pregnant I've felt like doing...nothing. It's like all of my ambition and gusto has gone out the window. I have a photoshoot Saturday that I constantly think about canceling just because I'm not in the mood, le sigh. This sucks. I want my mojo back. I'm just always tired, like, seriously tired! Not tired like let me just sit down for a few minutes and I'll be ok, but the kind of tired that puts you to sleep. I took a 2 hour nap yesterday, actually almost 3 hours, and had to force myself up. It took me a while to get it together. I thought it would interfere with bed time, but nope, I was ready to go right back to sleep. The thing is, I'm still having trouble sleeping at night. I took my pepcid tablet before sleeping so it wasn't the heart burn. For some reason I have a really terrible time getting comfortable, and I can't get into a deep sleep. It's frustrating.

Thank you to everyone that said the cramping is normal. I know I keep reading and hearing that it's normal, but I've only recently been able to calm myself down. I'm just ready to go to the doctors already to know that everything is ok.

Speaking of the doctors, what can I expect during my first appointment?