Babyshower Time!

Where have I been? Exhausted. I can honestly say that the third trimester is kicking my butt. I'm back to feeling the way I did first trimester. I just want to sleep and sleep and sleep... le sigh. I can't though. We have to get ready for our little one because in just 4 more weeks she's suppose to be here. There's still so much left to do! Her room isn't ready BUT the crib is up, yay! Annnd on December 11th we had the babyshower.

I really had a good time, and I felt so loved by everyone that showed up. The gifts were extremely helpful, but the love and conversation were priceless! The only thing missing was my mom, but I know that if she could've been there, she would've been. Anyway, here are some photos from the day:


My wonderful hostesses 

My pastor and I. I asked her to come to stand in for my mom and she did :~)

The cake and cupcakes, yummo!


My diaper cake present from one of my hostess, looovvveee!

That's just a few of the pics I wanted to share. We ended up having a surprise office shower as well, and got even more much needed items. Can you say blessed???

~JMJs Mom

The Tap Tap Game

Monday saw me looking real crazy. After visiting my mom at her rehabilitation center, I came back to my side of town to go to the grocery store and then home. While in the grocery store I had the worse braxton hicks! Mine hurt, always do. It's enough to have me bent over like a little old lady. I emailed my husband to ask him to pick me up. All I could do as I got in the car was moan and groan. As soon as I walked in the house I dropped everything and collapsed onto the sofa. Hubby laid behind with his hand on my belly. That's when he decided to play the tap tap game. He would tap once, then bean would hit back. He would do it again and again she would hit back. then he would tap twice, and so would she. After a couple of minutes of doing this she got very excited and started hitting and kicking all over the place! When she realized he wasn't doing it anymore she got very still and hit one time. When he responded boy oh boy did she go crazy lol. Apparently I'm gonna have a very excitable child on my hands. I love it!

~JMJs Mom

Cheeks for Days

I'm having a total proud mommy moment. On Wednesday I had an ultrasound appointment for Bean to have her biophysical profile. This baby is so funny. She moves all day but as soon as they put the wand on her she freezes lol. This time was no different. At first the tech was a little worried because in order to do the profile, she had to see bean perform. She moved the wand around until it reached beans feet. She wanted to see bean perform? She got it! bean started kicking trying to get the wand off lol. After the U/S the doctor came in to take a look and he said bean scored very high, woohoo! Go baby bean! They sent me on my way with a disk of pictures from my visit. Just look at those lips and cheeks!

I'm inlove! I really can't wait to meet her now!

~JMJs Mom