What's In Your Easter Basket?

Sunday as you all know is Easter and this will of course be Johanna's very first Easter. Now, I will say that I LOVED getting Easter baskets when I was a little girl. Heck, every once in a while my father would buy me one as an adult and I loved them then as well. It was never about the candy, or the stuffed animal. It was just the excitement of receiving one! Well as an adult Easter has become so much bigger for me, definitely more spiritual than anything else. Forget the basket, forget Peter Cotton Tail, forget all of that. Easter is for me truly about Christ rising from the dead after dying for my sins.

Let's not forget that before Johanna I was child illiterate.

Fast forward to Ohhh, I don't know, Monday, when I learn that a lot of the ladies in a group I'm apart of are all making Easter baskets for their kids. Now see, when I was thinking about the Easter basket I was clearly thinking about the store bought ones. My reaction? "People actually take the time to MAKE those??? And for the first birthday??? Now I gotta get a basket too???? Niiiccceee". Yeah, that definitely blew my mind. Welp, in an attempt to not make my child the bootleg laughing stalk of the Knottie Mommies group, off I went to order her stuff. So far I have a my first bible that I will read to her, a bunny from build-a-bear with a cool golf outfit, a spiritual songs lullaby dvd, and a my first easter book. There was suppose to be a bib to go along with all of that buuuttt, it won't arrive until Monday O_o, so off I go tomorrow to look for something to fill that spot.

While visiting the DC Moms Like Me website I read what some of the other ladies were putting into their basket. One entry in particular piqued my interest:

From Ulasp -  Where I grew up (in Ukraine), Easter basket has a bit different concept. It is full of symbolism and meaning that is linked to the reason why we celerbrate Easter (rebirth, new life).
We would bake easter bread with raisins (yiest bread), paint eggs in different and often times elaborate colors/patterns (usually patterns you paint on eggs has a story or means something e.g. deer/horses is a wish of wealth and prosperity; rose - love and caring; continuous line denotes everlasting life, etc.). You can see beautiful painted eggs (pysanky) here:
The basket than is filled with an Easter bread, eggs, sausage, some condiments and taken to church to be blessed with holly


At the time I was under the impression that I couldn't do that this year because Hannie isn't old enough, yadda yadda yadda. That's when I learned that people also have a "main" Easter basket that they do for the house. Who knew!?!? That didn't happen in my family. I won't be doing it this year, but next year it's on! I want the Easter bread and everything!

What Easter traditions do you have for your little one and your family? What's in YOUR Easter basket?

Life Without Baby

So, it has officially been over a week that I'm back at work and the baby is in daycare. It has been haarrddd for so many reasons:
  • Work hardly compares to being at home with my little one.
  • It's hard feeling like someone else is raising your child during the day, no matter how much confidence you have in them.
  • The evening isn't hardly time enough to catch up since the baby is usually all pooped out by then.
  • I now realize how unimportant stupid little petty stuff is and would rather just be at home cooing at my kid.
That's just a few of the reasons. Most of my others simply end with...I miss her. That little girl rocks my socks. I love the conversations we have because she's so animated and so confident in what she's saying lol. I cried all day that first day thinking about the fact that I could talk to her and listen to her babble *smh*. Here's an email I sent some sistafriends on the day before I sent her off to daycare:

Tomorrow my baby heads off to daycare and I head back to work. I'm so sad to have to hand her off to someone else. Although I am very comfortable with the daycare we chose, I just can't imagine not having her all day. And I feel so bad for the provider because between today and tomorrow she's gonna be bumrushed by me telling her things like "when she starts pulling her hair or babbling aggressively, it's because she's beyond exhausted, so here's what you have to do...". Lucky for me she says she already expects for me to call a gazillion times this week with info like that, but still. I'm so sad that I almost took my husband up on the offer of being a stay at home mom for the rest of the year, but, yeah, about that? A sista has to have her own so that's a no go. But I thought about it for a good 15 seconds before coming back to reality.
This motherhood thing has totally caught me off guard. Now that I have her I am completely baffled that I never wanted kids. If I could afford it...and had the patience...and some nannies...I would totally be that Duggard woman, or whatever her name is.
I feel like I'm going to miss so much. We just had tummy time and she turned over to her back again. She's starting to do it more consistently. I'm totally going to miss her turning over from back to tummy, I just know it!
This, my friends, is no bueno. I'm gonna have such a pissy attitude come Wednesday. Why would I want to go deal with a bunch of whiney grownups when I could be home smiling at my daughters big, wide, toothless grin? Oh yeah, that's right, because I have to provide for her.
Le sigh.
One seriously distraught Mama
I must say I don't feel too differently today. I'm still sad. This too shall pass right?
