Keep It Spicy!

This pregnancy has already been the weirdest thing. The heartburn is enough to make me feel like I'm lifting off of planet Earth and headed to the planet Zoid, wherever that is. It strikes mostly at night, but thank God for Pepcid or I would be a really crabby witch right about now. But the thing that's really hilarious? My appetite!

All I crave are cheeseburgers and...spicy big bites! You know the spicy sausages that you buy from 7-Eleven for $2? Well in the mornings, that's all I want. I've put myself on probation so I'm not allowed to have one more than twice a week, but mmmmmm yeah, I could definitely use one right about now. And the cheeseburgers! Oy vey! Usually I could eat one everyday for every meal. This seems shocking to me, but I really shouldn't be surprised. When mother nature paid me her monthly visit, I would always crave cheeseburgers. Now that I feel like I'm on my monthly 24/7, that's all I want.

And the cramps! No one told me about cramps. I was so scared that I was miscarrying, until I joined the site and learned that cramping is actually normal. Who would've thunk it. I actually cramp less frequently now, but still, that was enough to scare me stiff. I didn't want to move. I was afraid that walking, breathing, chewing, sneezing, and coughing would cause my body to lose the grip on the baby. Yeah yeah, laugh at me, but I'm oh so serious!

This first time mommy stuff is scary, but I'm ready. I'm soooo ready.